About me

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đź‘‹ Hey! I am Wentao, an MCS student at Yale-NUS College, the leading liberal arts college in Asia. There, I was able to take classes across disciplines and academic traditions, which helped me become a more methodical thinker, learner and communicator.

I grew up in Xuchang and moved to the provincial capital Zhengzhou when I was 12. At age 15, I boarded my first international flight and moved to the little red dot with the generous support of Singapore’s Ministry of Education.


Fun fact: My hometown was the warlord Cao Cao's de facto capital during the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It is also now a world-renowned manufacturing centre for wigs and hair extensions.

Check out what projects I have been up to on GitHub! Also, here is a surprisingly accurate pronunciation of my name if you are having trouble.

What I Can Do

I learned from a CS department with a heavy emphasis on functional programming, especially the use of OCaml.

I am deeply interested in making data useful for industry needs and researchers alike. This means making queries from databases, cleaning the data, feature engineering, building machine learning models/pipelines, or developing impactful visualisation.

You can also check out my terminal website and single-page website.

Viewed expressed here are purely my own and not those of the organisations I am associated with.